Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Grace in Rome

Paul had a deal with God. He would prove that the grace of Jesus Christ was sufficient. Paul knew that the people in Rome didn’t know much about this grace; therefore, preaching this Gospel would not be easy for him. However, he proclaimed that he wasn’t ashamed to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He went on to write one of the greatest masterpieces ever—the book of Romans. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- God is a God of Justice; therefore, He required payment for the sin debt. He was at war with man’s sins after Adam sinned in the Garden of Eden. The Israelites experienced God’s grace under the Abrahamic covenant. However, they begin to arrogantly believe they could be judged based on their performance (Genesis 4:1, 23, 24; Exodus 19:3-8). Mankind began to live under the Law of Moses, which was burdensome because no one could keep the Law except Jesus. The Israelites were plagued with curses and death as a result of not being able to keep the Law. Jesus was the perfect Lamb of God. His sacrifice paid for the sin debt of mankind. Jesus’ followers began to live under the covenant of grace, after His death and resurrection. Paul proclaimed that he was not ashamed of the Gospel (the Good News about grace). He was ready to preach his message in Rome (Romans 1:1-16). Paul had a deal with God; he would prove that His grace was sufficient. However, preaching the message on grace in Rome would be a challenge. It was a sensitive issue there. He wrote the book of Romans, which is a great biblical masterpiece. The grace of Christ is the Gospel (or the over-the-top good news); it is the power of God unto salvation (Romans 1:16; Galatians 1:6). Salvation comes from the Greek word sozo, which includes healing, deliverance, prosperity, and peace. These are the finished works of Jesus Christ; it is what His grace produces. This righteousness (or right standing with God) is not revealed from law to law but from faith to faith (Romans 1:17). The just live by faith. We need faith to take possession of the finished works of Jesus Christ. Scripture References Genesis 4:23, 24 Exodus 19:3-8 Romans 1:1-17 Galatians 1:6

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